Got my nutrition right
from the start
I had a pretty solid workout program from the get go. It consisted of all the big lifts with some accessory work and I was doing it consistently and loading progressively. The sight of gains on the biceps got me hooked instantly. However, my nutrition for the first year was rather poor. The average bro will tell you "eat big, get big" but that is only half true. I stuffed my face with everything in sight; McD, biscuits, chips, cheese naan, you name it. I got big alright… but I also got fat. The Law of Thermodynamics states that if calories consumed is more than calories used, you'll gain weight and vice versa. However, a calorie is not just a calorie. Tweaking with your caloric expenditure will help you see changes in weight but body composition is a whole different story. Okay, but that whole argument is for another day. The point being, I was stuffing my face with so much calories, I was throwing myself way above a surplus my body required to build muscle mass. So when it came to my first cutting phase, I lost considerable amount of size because most of what I put on was simply just fat. If I were to start all over again, I would eat right, get in quality calories, and eat at a caloric maintenance or a small surplus rather than just going on a see-food diet.