26th - 28th February 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>NASM-CPT KL</b>;PFC Studio;English;Learn more button=/workshops/nasm-cpt
6th - 7th March 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>Burrell Education Modern Pre and Post Natal Course</b>;PFC Studio;English;Learn more button=/workshops/burrelleducation
19th - 21st March 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>NASM-CPT KL</b>;PFC Studio;Mandarin;Learn more button=/workshops/nasm-cpt-mandarin
27th - 28th March 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist Live Workshop KL</b>;PFC Studio;English;Learn more button=/workshops/nasm-ces
2nd - 4th April 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>NASM-CPT KL</b>;PFC Studio;English;Learn more button=/workshops/nasm-cpt
10th - 11th April 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>NASM-CPT</b>;Singapore;English;Learn more button=/workshops/nasm-cpt
16th - 18th April 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>Functional Movement Screen Level 1 and 2</b>;PFC Studio;English;Learn more button=/workshops/fms
24th - 25th April 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>Burrell Education Modern Pre and Post Natal Course</b>;PTEx Fitness Academy Johor Bahru;English;Learn more button=/workshops/burrelleducation
7th - 9th May 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>NASM-CPT</b>;PTEx Fitness Academy Johor Bahru;Mandarin;Learn more button=/workshops/nasm-cpt-mandarin
29th May 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>NASM Youth Exercise Specialist</b>;PFC Studio;English
11th - 13th June 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>NASM-CPT KL</b>;PFC Studio;English;Learn more button=/workshops/nasm-cpt
19th - 20th June 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist Live Workshop</b>;Singapore;English;Learn more button=/workshops/nasm-ces
26th - 27th June 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>Burrell Education Modern Pre and Post Natal Course</b>;PFC Studio;Mandarin;Learn more button=/workshops/burrelleducation
2nd - 4th July 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>NASM-CPT</b>;Penang;English;Learn more button=/workshops/nasm-cpt
10th - 11th July 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist Live Workshop KL</b>;PFC Studio;Mandarin;Learn more button=/workshops/nasm-ces
16th - 18th July 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>NASM-CPT KL</b>;PFC Studio;English;Learn more button=/workshops/nasm-cpt
14th - 15th August 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist Live Workshop KL</b>;PFC Studio;English;Learn more button=/workshops/nasm-pes
20th - 22nd August 2021;9AM - 6PM;<b>NASM-CPT KL</b>;PFC Studio;English;Learn more button=/workshops/nasm-cpt