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Balance Training for Golfers
By Joseph Lee ( NASM-CPT, CES )
People often neglect the importance of implementing balance training exercises into their regimen. This is because most do not understand the benefits of it.

Balance, by definition, occurs when the body is in equilibrium and stationary. While dynamic balance, is described as an individual's ability to move and change in multiplanar directions under various conditions, while maintaining stability.

Balance is the key to all functional movement; from running down the stairs, to swinging a golf club, the body's ability to efficiently perform a certain movement is largely dependent on a person's ability to maintain balance and postural control. Thus, the base of a good golf swing is good balance. For example, every golfer knows the importance of the finish of a swing; finishing a swing with balance dictates the quality of it. Finishing a swing with good balance shows the golfer's ability to maintain consistent tempo and distribute his/her weight evenly. Finishing a swing with a wobble stance, on the other hand, shows poor balance.

There are several benefits that a golfer can reap when he/she implements balance training into their strength and conditioning regimen.

Reduce the risk of injuries
One of the most common golf injuries would be back pain. Back pain often occurs due to poor weight distribution. This is because the body overcompensates the back muscle as it struggles to distribute its weight to the core muscle, thus overusing it.

Improve joint stability
Training an individual's ability to balance improves postural control. Improving a golfer's postural would therefore improve the consistency of his/her golf swing, while at the same time, avoid over-swinging. Lastly, balance training promotes body awareness.

Improve force production
Proper balance training teaches the body to control, produce, and reduce force efficiently, hence improving the body's proprioceptive abilities. For example, instead of relying on the upper body to produce force during a swing, teaching the body to rely on the hips would generate better consistency and control.

Below are some examples of balance training exercises that you can easily implement into your exercise regimen:
Single Leg Balance
Single Leg Balance Reach
Single Leg Balance Chop
Single Leg Balance Chop
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