PFC Studio
Next Live Workshop : COMING SOON
Certified Kettlebell Specialist
About Certified Kettlebell Specialist (CKS) Level 1
  • This certification is designed to deliver professional coaching skills in cueing as well as learning the top fundamentals of the kettlebell components that could help trainers, athletes and kettlebell practitioners.
  • Outcomes of the 2-day Live Workshop for Certified Kettlebell Specialist (Level 1)

    - Learn proper coaching skills according to kinetic checkpoints

    - Learn simple yet effective cueing

    - Understand the benefits of diaphragmatic breathing

    - Apply Hard Style coaching and techniques into all kettlebell modalities

    - Experience and experiment with the Kettlebell Essentials

  • The Kettlebell Essentials list:

    • The Kettlebell Deadlift

    • The Kettlebell Swing

    • The Kettlebell Clean

    • The Kettlebell Rack

    • The Kettlebell Lock Out

    • The Kettlebell Squat

  • Certified Kettlebell Specialist covers the prominent aspect of professional coaching. Not only you are entitled to master the progressions and variations of kettlebell related skills, but also you are going to find out the importance and methods of regressions as well.

    The Hard Style emphasis incorporated in this course helps in the continuity in various sports and activities that athletes and practitioners are practising. The explosiveness and power elements rooted from this modality allow individuals to achieve quality strength benefits that could elevate your forte even higher.
What our participants have to say:
I didn't have the chance to learn the proper way to practice and incorporate kettlebell training into my client's training session until now.
The course covered almost all the things you need to know about kettlebell training. Very informative and the instructor made the teaching process enjoyable. Definitely one of the course you don't want to miss.
NASM-CPT Participant at PFC Studio
What our participants have to say:
CKC organised by PFC brought new insights within myself. This is my first time joining professional courses as such CKC has not only give me the opportunity to explore about new forms of exercises, but also sharing knowledge and experience with new friends. I've enjoyed every bit of it even though it was tough at times. Since then, I wish to expand my interests and commitment with people of the same school of thoughts and motivation.
What our participants have to say:
Have been interested in kettlebell swings for some time, but never get to learn the proper technique of swinging it. CKC level 1 Hardstyle kettlebell swing had left me an eye opening experience. Never expect it could be so exhausting in less than a minute of hardstyle swing. Definitely looking forward to apply hardstyle technique into training sessions. Thank you PFC for hosting such a valuable course.
Jayna Kok
CKC Participant at PFC Studio
Workshop Fees
(Price shown excludes 6% SST)
Certified Kettlebell Specialist (CKS)
RM 1999
Certified Kettlebell Specialist Certificate
2-Day Live Workshop
Printed Materials
Final Coaching and Practical Exam
Workshop Frequently Asked Questions
Remark: All online material can only be accessed using desktop or laptop computer. iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone or Android devices are not supported.
About Us
PFC is a fitness company that offers industry-relevant and high-quality fitness education; client-oriented fitness training, post-rehabilitation training and sports performance training; and practical and purposeful fitness and recovery tools and equipments.
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